Student Life




ACHS students are required to follow Aurora Public Schools established guidelines which state that “student dress that is disruptive to the classroom environment or to the maintenance of a safe and orderly school” will not be allowed.

ACHS students will be able to express themselves through dress and appearance, however the following rules will be strictly enforced:

  • Clothing must cover chest, buttocks, and undergarments.

  • No shirts with gang, drug, alcohol or inappropriate advertisements, logos or pictures

  • Bandanas as apparel and/or accessories may not be worn or displayed at any time.

  • Shoes must be worn at all times in the school.

  • No ski mask (face must be fully visible)

  • No Visible underwear / undergarments

  • Any jewelry with weapons

  • No lighters

Clothing accessories, paraphernalia or body adornments may not:

  • Be profane, obscene, lewd, suggestive, libelous, or vulgar

  • Denote gang involvement

  • Promote the use of drugs, tobacco, alcohol or weapons

  • Intimidate or threaten any individual or group

  • Disrupt the learning environment

  • Promote any activity prohibited by the student code of conduct or that are not appropriate for their age.

ACHS staff reserve the right to determine if any clothing is inappropriate and to ask the student to call home for a change of clothing or loan the student an appropriate attire to comply with dress code. If a student consistently wears inappropriate clothing other disciplinary consequences will be enforced.



In the interest of safety and security, all students are required to wear their student ID’s at all times while on the school campus and on school buses. Students will receive their ID’s within the first quarter of school. Also students should wear their ID’s while visiting other APS schools. Failure to comply with this requirement could result in disciplinary action and/or removed from district property. Replacements costs for lost ID’s will be $5.00.

  • Parents, please ensure that your child meets student dress and ID requirements each day before sending them to school. Thank you for your help.



Online Student Check-In and Changes to Technology Contracts for 2024-25

Looking ahead, we want to remind you to check in your returning students beginning July 1 so they are ready for the 2024-25 school year. With the online Student Check-in System in Parent Portal, you can check in your child for school and update or confirm your address, phone numbers, emergency contacts, health information, preferred language and more.

We also need to share an important change to our technology contracts. Now that remote learning at most schools has ended and additional federal funding for devices is no longer available, schools will again begin charging families for any damages incurred to district devices. Starting for the 2024-25 school year, families will now fill out a Student Technology Contract as part of Student Check-In. Please note that the first incident of damage will not be charged, but any following incidents will be charged based on the type of damage or loss.

Please see the list of charges below. We appreciate your support and understanding.

Image of chromebook cost breakdown



ACHS Counselors