Knowing that strong relationships between students and teachers are critical to a student’s academic success, all 9th and 10th grade students at ACHS belong to a "House". This means that one set of 125-150 students are grouped together and share the same set of 4 core content teachers (Math, English, Science, & Social Studies). Each House has a name and a unique identity that ties them together. This ensures our students build a strong sense of community amongst each other and with teachers; it also allows teachers to work collaboratively to ensure the needs of all students are being met.
Our Master Schedule has been designed to allow all core content teachers meet weekly in their Houses to review attendance, behavior, and academic data as well as to align what is being taught in each of their classes. Alongside core content teachers are counselors, social workers, deans, the Attendance Liaison, MTSS coordinator, ESS staff, and grade level administrators all working together to provide wrap-around supports to each individual student and family as needed with the goal of all ACHS students graduating high school with the opportunity to pursue any post-secondary path they choose. This House Model allows all ACHS students to have an engaging, connected High School experience and results in outcomes like this exchange between teacher and parent in regard to a student who was previously failing multiple classes :
“Hello! I am Jalen’s* math teacher and I just wanted to let you know that Jalen has been doing great work this past week. I talked to all of his teachers and we are very impressed with his work ethic! We are proud of him and hope it continues!” - Ms. Guerra
“You just brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for noticing him trying. I definitely hope it continues. I love these kinds of messages.” - 9th grade ACHS parent
* student name has been changed for confidentiality purposes.